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Dreams~Shadows of the Night Page 3
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“I’m glad you have your aunt.”
“I’m also close to her daughter. My aunt used to say if it hadn’t been for the responsibility of raising two little girls she might not have gotten through the tragedy.”
“Friends are nice, too. They can help make things easier when you’re lonely.”
It disturbed her to see his quick flicker of vulnerability. But even more disturbing was the look that suggested a need for intimacy. She couldn’t allow that.
“Most of the time a friend is a friend, family is family, and a lover is a lover. Sometimes you can combine the three, but only to a point. It’s usually not a good idea to confuse them.”
Bright color flamed in his cheeks.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to give you the wrong impression. I’m not hitting on you or . . . or anything like that,” he said, stumbling over the words. “Josh is my best friend. He asked me to look in on you and maybe keep you company now and then. I’d never step into his personal arena.”
“I’m sure you wouldn’t, but it’s important you realize where I’m coming from, too.” She smiled to ease his discomfort. “What do you think he’s doing right now?”
“Knowing Josh, he’s probably swinging from some jungle vine having the time of his life.” He looked at his watch and stood up. “It’s late. I’d better let you get some sleep. Thanks for the tea. Is it okay if I call you sometime? You know, like Josh wanted me to. Maybe we can take in a movie or go for pizza. But I’ll back off if you’d rather I didn’t and there won’t be any hard feelings on my part.”
She raised herself from the sofa cushions and got to her feet.
“I would like us to keep each other company. I did not mean to scare you off with my little lecture, Tom.”
“That’s okay. It’s always good to lay out the boundaries, especially for guys, so they know where they stand.”
She had to smile.
“Are you always so agreeable?”
“I try. It makes life less complicated.” He stepped outside. “Anyway, I’ll be in touch. Think about what you’d like to do in the meantime.”
“I will. Tom?”
“Thank you for coming by.”
“You’re welcome.” He started to walk away, but stopped and turned to face her again. “Don’t worry; Josh will be back before you know it.”
Wanna bet? The silent words popped into her head so unexpectedly she didn’t have a chance to hold back the quick shock that followed or the sudden queasiness that lurched into her stomach.
“Catherine?” Tom said, pulling her attention back to him. “Are you okay? Your face just went chalk white.”
She made herself smile.
“It did?”
She rubbed a hand over her eyes.
“I guess I’m more tired than I thought. I’ll be fine after a few hours sleep. Goodnight, Tom.”
“Night,” he said after a moment’s hesitation.
She closed the door and stood leaning against it. His visit had chased away her earlier moodiness, but now that she was alone again she could feel the depressing feelings beginning to creep back. She looked around the empty room and found little comfort in the familiar surroundings, knowing how much she dreaded the dark secrets that might be revealed to her during another long, lonely night.
Chapter Four
Josh awoke to a strange gray-green light filtering beneath his eyelids. The sun’s early morning rays crept down through thick vegetation to pluck at the ground with long golden fingers. Strong pungency from exotic blooms and half-rotting plants spiced the air with a cloying sweetness that bombarded his senses and made his nostrils twitch.
The heat was uncomfortable even at this early hour making his skin clammy and his clothes stick to him. Sore and stiff, he pushed himself into a sitting position and rubbed the spot in his shoulder where he’d been hit by the rifle butt. He saw that Marie was still asleep, but the murmur of other voices made him look around.
People were stirring and one by one leaving their hammocks. Josh turned his attention to the walls of dense greenery that circled the clearing. Even if he and Marie were able to slip away he knew they could easily lose their way in the formidable jungle.
He realized now that was why their bonds had been cut and no one had bothered to tether them for the night. They may as well be surrounded by iron bars. The grim reality was the environment would keep them here as surely as any prison cell could.
The same girl from yesterday brought two cups of coffee, which Josh assumed was an introduction to the camp by the kidnappers. She handed them to him. He thanked her and received a shy smile in return before she walked away. He gently nudged Marie awake and waited while she sat up before handing her a cup of the tepid liquid.
“A girl brought coffee.”
They sat close together observing Orlando’s every move. He strutted around snapping orders like some omnipotent dictator. They watched when he motioned to one of his men and engaged him in conversation. Josh leaned his head closer to Marie.
“Can you make out what they’re saying?”
“No, but I’m sure it can’t be anything good as long as Orlando’s involved.”
“Probably not, but remember we represent a lot of money to him.”
“Haven’t you ever heard the saying about wanting your cake and eating it, too?”
Josh had a feeling she was right and hoped whoever was in charge of their rescue wouldn’t waste any time devising a plan to free them. He feared their situation could easily become a living hell if they were forced to stay in Orlando’s clutches much longer.
Hamilton Spear sat at his desk staring at the data displayed on his computer screen when his secretary buzzed him with an urgent call from the team leader they’d sent to the Amazon. He snatched up his phone and listened in shocked disbelief to the voice on the other end. Grabbing a pen, he began to take rapid notes.
“I’ll give the information to Mr. Marsh right away. Stay where you are until I can get back to you.” He shoved himself out of his chair and hurried from the office ignoring his secretary’s startled look when he rushed by her desk with his coattails flapping.
The company’s CEO, Douglas Marsh, listened to Hamilton’s disturbing news that two of their people had been abducted and that the captors were demanding a million dollar ransom. He pushed away from his desk and paced in swift, angry strides across the thick silver carpet, cursing under his breath until he abruptly stopped.
“What the hell kind of security did our people hire for God’s sake? George Lang’s the team leader, right?”
“Yes, and as you know he’s a good, steady man and not one inclined to panic, but there’s no mistaking his concern. According to what the guide told him, we’re not dealing with some naive natives. The kidnappers are an armed, merciless lot. They’ve already murdered two of the security guards.”
“Damn it! I want our men found as quickly as possible and in one piece. I’m willing to negotiate, but I’m not about to shell out a million dollars just like that.” He snapped his fingers in mid air. “Call Lang back and make sure he hangs tough.” He sat down again and scowled when Hamilton hesitated. “Well, what are you waiting for?”
“Mr. Marsh, you should know that one of the captives is Marie Rabb.”
“What!” Douglas propelled himself out of his chair. “Are you certain it’s Marie?”
“I’m afraid so. Also a man named Josh Dallas. This is his first trip to the Amazon.”
“Good lord, man, why didn’t you mention Marie in the first place? I assumed we were talking about two men being taken. Start setting up rescue plans at once. Get back to me as soon as everything’s ready. Give me Lang’s number. I want to talk to him myself.”
“Yes sir.” Clutching his notes, Hamilton wasted no time hurrying out the door.
Douglas sucked in a steadying breath before he walked across the room on leaden feet to a cabinet set against a back wall. H
e yanked open a door and reached inside for a bottle and glass. He poured a generous amount of whiskey out before going back to his desk, where he slumped onto the chair and rubbed a shaky hand over his square jaw.
“Oh my sweet, precious Marie,” he murmured, as the idea of her being at the mercy of ruthless killers filled him with a gut churning sickness.
He took a long swallow from his glass and let the liquor burn its way down his throat. Other than the occasional drink at business lunches, he rarely drank during the day, but he needed the alcohol to blunt the tension that gripped him now.
He’d met Marie at a corporate Christmas party nearly five years ago. He’d been dazzled by her youth and beauty and hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her. Douglas knew he was old enough to be her father, but the emotions she’d stirred in him had been anything but parental. He wanted her and intended to have her. He’d mapped out an ambitious wooing campaign, but gained only limited access to her life.
Her work kept her away from him too often, so he’d proposed marriage believing she’d be more apt to concentrate on him once she became his wife. But she had refused, claiming she wasn’t ready. He’d been angry; his pride had taken a serious hit. They’d quarreled. He threatened to have her kicked off the team until she’d promised to at least move in with him when she returned from the Amazon.
The possibility of her being kidnapped had never entered his mind. He knew there was some danger involved going into the jungle, but nothing like this. Dear heavenly Jesus, never anything like this. Would the man kidnapped with Marie be able to offer her any protection? He answered himself immediately and felt his distress increase. What could an unarmed person do against a band of gun toting cutthroats?
Josh experienced a distinct tightening in the pit of his stomach when a furious Orlando barged into the hut with one of his men. Josh got to his feet and started toward Marie, but Orlando shoved him back. The other man pressed a rifle against Josh’s back forcing him to walk away. He’d gone no more than a couple of yards when he heard a loud slap and Marie’s cry of pain. He whirled around just in time to see Orlando slap her across the face again. Josh didn’t miss the unmistakable gleam of pleasure that mingled with the anger in the man’s expression.
Fury boiled up and rejecting his own safety, Josh lunged forward.
He exploded in a fit of rage, flinging his body against the man with the rifle. Two other men immediately joined the fray. Josh lashed out throwing punches wherever he could reach, as the sound of Marie’s screams pierced the air ripping into him like a serrated knife. Ignoring the blows from his combatants, he fought until a rifle butt landed behind his ear. Pain erupted inside his head seconds before he slumped to the ground.
Josh dragged himself out of unconsciousness by slow degrees. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. He shook his head trying to clear the fuzziness from his brain, but instantly regretted the action when pain clamped like a vise on either side of his head. One of his eyes had swollen to a mere slit. He concentrated on trying to focus the other one. He’d been hauled back and dumped in a corner of the hut. It took a few seconds to realize the moaning he heard wasn’t coming from him.
His eyes found Marie and the sight filled him with pity. He staggered to his feet and limped over to her, grimacing at his body’s painful protest. Her hands were tied and her shirt had a large tear in front. He lowered himself to his knees and began to work the knots loose with fingers that weren’t quite steady. The coarse rope had rubbed the flesh raw, staining the fiber with blood and encircling her wrists like two bright red bracelets.
Josh blinked away the sweat that ran into his eyes and dribbled down his battered face. Gritting his teeth against the stinging perspiration, he continued to work the rope loose doing his best not to bring her any more pain than she was already suffering.
When she was freed she reached up and touched him gently on one battered cheek. “Oh Josh, look what they’ve done to you.”
“Don’t worry about me. They got in a few good shots, but I managed to land a few of my own,” he told her, trying to alleviate her concern and although it caused him a great deal of discomfort, he gathered her close. His attempts to protect her had been useless. Regret burned inside him like a red hot poker branding him with the knowledge.
Tension swirled in audible waves around the camp gripping all those under Orlando’s iron fist in a numbing fear. Josh propped himself against one of the hut’s poles with Marie laying within the circle of his arms. He felt hot and sweaty and sore, but if holding her brought a measure of relief it was the least he could do.
Late afternoon shadows crept toward the hut when one of the native women stepped inside. She carried a gourd in each hand and had a cloth tucked beneath an arm.
Josh recognized her as the same one who’d helped them before. He wished he knew her name, so he could thank her in a more personal way. She motioned for him to lay Marie down, but when he began to ease himself away Marie whimpered and clutched his shirt.
He stroked a hand over her hair.
“It’s okay. She just wants to help you.”
Marie gripped his hands, as the woman soaked the cloth with water and began to gently clean the torn flesh. When she turned to Josh to wipe the dried blood from his cuts he looked into her dark eyes and saw deep sorrow. He decided to name her Sad Eyes.
She dipped her fingertips into the other gourd and gently smeared a pale sticky substance over their wounds. Josh had no idea what it was, but was grateful for its soothing coolness. Perhaps it was a medicinal plant known only to the natives. He felt certain if things had been different Marie would be interested in trying to find out.
As soon as the woman left, Marie scooted into a corner. Her tears had stopped and she appeared dazed. Josh hated these men for making him bow to their cruelty, but most of all he despised them for what they’d done to Marie. He was suddenly filled with a terrible sense of guilt for being a male. He’d had a few women try his patience to the point of making him angry, but he couldn’t imagine using physical abuse to get even.
Marie sat with her knees drawn up under her chin rocking herself back and forth in mute misery. She’d come here to find help for her fellow man, only to be brutalized by him. It saddened Josh to see this once vibrant woman be reduced to such a wretched state.
“Marie, did Orlando . . .” He cleared his throat trying to get the dreaded words out. He needed to know what happened after he’d been knocked unconscious. “Did he rape you?” he finally managed to ask, praying she hadn’t had to suffer that humiliation.
She shook her head vigorously. “No! I told you he hates Americans and while he was hitting me he yelled that he loathes all women because his mother dumped him on the streets when he was barely old enough to fend for himself.”
“Damned unlucky for you being both American and a female,” he muttered.
“He was also angry because I hadn’t let him know I speak Spanish. One of his men helped haul supplies for the last team I was on and recognized me. Orlando thinks I’m holding back information about his chances of getting the ransom money.”
Seeing Marie’s swollen face and split lip and feeling his own sore body, Josh had a sick feeling it wasn’t just about money. The man obviously enjoyed inflicting pain, and it looked as though the ransom wasn’t going to make him curb his sadistic tendencies.
His gaze wandered to Marie again. They’d become more than Orlando’s hostages. They were his playthings, his amusement. This new insight added yet another ugly layer of fear.
Chapter Five
Josh lay on the floor of the hut watching discreetly from beneath half closed eyes while Orlando and his men filed out of camp shortly after daylight. He saw that one of the native men had been forced to go with them, assumedly as a hostage to insure that the rest of his people wouldn’t abandon camp while they were gone. Josh felt instant relief at the thought of having
this small bit of independence from Orlando’s dominance.
He sat up slowly, ran his tongue over his teeth, and wrinkled his nose. His mouth had a sour taste, but as unappetizing as it was the thought of food made his stomach rumble with hunger. God, what he wouldn’t give for a plate of ham and eggs right now.
He looked down at himself. Sweat and dried blood stained his clothes. He raked fingers through his matted hair and grimaced at the patches of dirt caked on his exposed skin. Since they had water to drink, he assumed the natives must have a place to bathe.
He looked at Marie. She slept on her back with her wounded wrists resting on her chest. He hoped in sleep she’d get a break from the disaster they’d stumbled into. Rolling to his feet, he stepped away from the hut. He spotted Sad Eyes and walked over to where she poured water into a pot. Others watched his approach, but no one stopped him. He pointed to the water and gestured as though he was washing himself.
She looked at him for a moment before filling a cup and lifting it toward his mouth. Josh shook his head and moved his arms through the air mimicking swimming strokes. Several children gathered around, obviously intrigued by his strange behavior. Sad Eyes frowned at him and shook her head, clearly unable to decipher his actions. Josh dropped his arms giving up his hope of a bath when one of the older boys suddenly began to jabber. He pointed to Josh and then over his shoulder until Sad Eyes nodded.
The child came up to Josh and took him by the hand. He began to pull him forward, slowly at first, and then with more insistence while other children joined in. Josh hesitated, not sure what he was letting himself in for, but Sad Eyes gestured for him to go with them. He looked at their eager faces before allowing himself to give in to their persistent pulling until they’d tugged him through an opening in the surrounding bushes.
When he looked down he realized they were on a well-worn path. The children rushed forward the last few yards and one by one jumped into a pool of water. Josh followed more slowly and watched until they motioned for him to join them. He needed no further enticement. Taking off his boots, he set them on the bank before easing himself fully clothed into the water.